Intern Returns to Help Community

Claude Winddcheley Saturne knows the value of education, and says he has SBH to thank for that.

Saturne, 28, whose mother passed away when he was a child, grew up in Fond des Blancs with his grandparents. He was supported by SBH educationally; finishing secondary school in Port-au-Prince and graduating from the Seminaire College du Mazenod with a degree in International Relations and Political Science. Now? He’s returned to Fond des Blancs to try and better the community he grew up in, and is doing an internship with the organization’s community development department.

“It’s like being part of a big family,” Saturne says of his experience thus far. “You collaborate and participate in what the department’s doing in many different ways. I’m trying to better understand how an organization works, and I’m seeing projects in action. I’m trying to understand the mentality on the ground, what people need, and how I can help.”

As a result of his recent work in the community, Saturne says he’s re-considering how best to use his degree and skills—leaning more toward community work and away from politics, his original choice.

“We have a country to rebuild,” he says, “and we have a community to build.”