
Darlie's Resilience Shines Through

Mrs. Darlie Adelsy lives in Aquin, about 15 miles from SBH. Earlier this summer she developed a terrible infection in her right leg and went to several local clinics and hospitals looking for treatment. None of them were able to relieve her symptoms and treat the underlying infection properly, so in early June she and her husband came to SBH seeking help.

By the time they arrived the infection in Darlie’s leg was very advanced, threatening not just her leg, but her life. She, along with her family and doctors, the SBH surgical team, made the difficult decision to have it amputated. Our surgeons got her into the OR quickly, and surgery was successful. Darlie was able to go home free of infections, but dealing with the new reality of living with only one leg. “I can’t do the same things as I did before, but I am trying to do my best to live with this reality,” she explains, showing the hope and resiliency of so many patients who get treatment at SBH.

Three weeks after her surgery, Darlie returned to the hospital for a follow-up visit to make sure she was healing well. With a smile on her face, despite all she has been through, she says she gains strength and hope from the people who have supported her through this ordeal, including her family, her neighbors, and the staff at SBH. They help her remain positive, she says, “If someone comes to see me with tears in their eyes, I tell them to stay away because I don’t need pity or sadness. I’m facing something real, and I don’t need people to remind me that I’m missing my leg.” Darlie’s courage and hope in the face of hardship are inspiring to all who meet her, and the staff at SBH are honored to be helping her get well and live a full life despite this traumatic event.